A big Hello to Lindsay and all the Romantics. Is it me or does that sound like a music group?
I’m glad my blog tour, hosted by CRR Promotions, stopped here at the Pink Blog. Since I try to adapt my subjects to each blog as possible, I searched my mind for a “special” theme related to my new book, Off The Moon, and came up with Home. Not just any home, but the right home, the home where our characters find a special fit.
How many of you have moved homes more than once? More than that? According to TimePage.org, my generation is that of the nomad. We’re risk-takers. We came from “an unprotected background” and have a tendency to be alienated. Trying to fit somewhere when you have the natural tendency to be a nomad can be difficult. Look at the way so many of us are constantly on the move. Few of our parents, other than those with travel jobs, strayed far from their home base and families. If they needed more space, they built on. Moving was rare once a household was established. And yet, it’s hard to find many of us who have lived in fewer than three homes during our lives so far. I’ve lived in ten different dwellings, but fortunately am now settled until I’m too old to maintain the place. Of course, things change and you never know.
I’m one who believes a home chooses us as much as the other way around. It’s much more than a place. It’s a feeling. Of all of those places I’ve been, only two have been truly comfortable. Most were okay for temporary purposes. Two were near soul-killing. It was the place. I didn’t fit. Something inside when I was young told me the state where I grew up was not where I belonged. The east called out. As I settled in a place I chose, a place that felt comfortable, I made an incredible discovery: things that bothered me in those other places hardly have an effect here. My whole inner nature feels more at peace.
So how do we relate that to our characters?
Ryan, my POV character, was an Army brat and talks now and then about having to move. He especially mentions one place he felt at home. It still calls out to him even though he’s grown up and has chosen New York City as his residence. He likes NY, not only because his job is centered there, but also because it reminds him of nomads (which he is, also). Residents go about their own business, not connecting to each other and not noticing that he doesn’t connect. He fits and he doesn’t, and it’s a comfortable place to be. He visits his brother’s family in Vermont now and then and enjoys the visit but remains detached from the place. It may be his family’s home, but it’s not his. He is never fully at ease there (for reasons beyond place but we’ll stick with place for this post) and relaxes upon return to his NYC loft.
And then he finds Kaitlyn, an unwilling transport to the city. She’s homeless and even more disconnected than Ryan. The difference is that she doesn’t deal with it as well as he does. She needs connection. She needs Home. Ryan senses it in her. It draws him in and pushes him away. As other people become involved in the decision of where she should be, against her will, Ryan has to choose to give in or to fight.
“You can’t tell someone where their home is. Trust me, I know. I lived in lots of houses. Lots of towns. It’s only home if it feels like it to you, not because someone says it’s supposed to be. This one was her choice.”
By the end of my stories, my characters not only find their special mate, but they also find their special place: their true home. I suppose I do so because it has been such a deep issue personally.
How about your special place? I would love to hear Home stories!

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Off The Moon website:
Also, be sure to check my blog for novel-related features. I have an interview with NYC drummer Gino Scalmato up, as well as an interview with singer/songwriter Vicki Blankenship. More to come! http://lkhunsaker.blogspot.com
Off The Moon
LK Hunsaker
"Riveting" Ryan Reynauld is immersed in a world of music, parties, and temporary companionship. Having risen to the top of the pop charts, his biggest concern is objecting to the way his music is produced. That is, until he finds a young woman standing on a window ledge. Against the advice of family and friends, and through media attacks and fan protests, Ryan determines to care for her himself, making a promise that threatens to destroy his career.
Convincing the skittish girl she can learn to trust again comes with a steep price. Sometimes the path to recovery begins by allowing your world to implode.
Elucidate Publishing
November 2009
Print ISBN 978-0-9825299-0-4
Ebook ISBN 978-0-9825299-1-1
Thanks for letting me chat here today, Lindsay!
Next up: Pushing Boundaries with Trauma and Genre
hosted by Maryann Miller, Nov. 21
The full tour itinerary is available at http://www.classicromancerevival.com
Don't forget to leave your comments! One person from each blog will be drawn to receive a signed, mailed copy of the short story LK has written as a bit of a prequel to Off The Moon, called Toward The Sky, plus there will be a signed print book drawing for anyone who comments on at least 8 blogs! Winners will be posted at http://www.classicromancerevival.com/blog/?p=1520
Welcome, on our blog tour, to the pink blog, LK!
As ever, you give us a fascinating and thoughtful post. I agree with your ideas on Home and agree that for Kaitlyn especially in OFF THE MOON home is vital to her.
Home is vital to me, too. I love a patch of earth that's mine. I know what you mean about good vibes and bad vibes. To be without a place is utterly dislocating.
Happy blog tour!
Lindsay, I'm glad that came through well in the story. It's strange how a piece of earth can have that effect on us, isn't it?
Thanks for hosting me today!
LORAINE--lovely topic. You know how I feel about home, and I remember your saying you chose your home state. During the late forties and early fifties, my family was transient, following the oil camps, living in weird places, until my mother put a stop to it and told Daddy we needed a permanment home. I do not like to move, but have during my marriage because of either school or career choices. I've been in one place 35 years now, and I'm not moving! Very good thoughts, and best wishes on your new release--I'm sure it will do well. Celia
Celia, I thought of you while mentioning parents with traveling jobs. If my husband even jokes about moving south where it's warmer, I jump all over it. Nope, not moving again until I have absolutely no choice!
Thank you for the wishes. :-)
Nice post, LK. It's so fitting that you should stop at the pink blog on your tour!
Thanks Kaye!
There truly is no place like home. Great blog post!
Hi Nicole, thanks. :-)
L.K., yes, a deeply thoughtful post. I've always wanted to travel to far-flung places, travel, but no be a nomad. Home, a place where I felt I belonged, has always been vitally important to me.
Where I am now, on the land, and seeing beautiful landscapes all around me... yes, I absolutely love it.
I can understand Ryan's feelings and I can also understand Kaitlyn's need to connect.
Mucho success to you.
Savanna, thank you. Those beautiful landscapes that surround you daily are very grounding, aren't they?
I lived in the same house for most of my life.. 33yrs..I moved three times since then and I have been in my present home for the last 7yrs..and this has been a wonderful place to live. I rent, I don't own, but I live in a basement apartment of a house and I have the most wonderful landlords, who have have become really wonderful friends, who have made me feel so much at home. But they are getting up in age, where I think they might consider selling this house in the next few years.. I hate to think about that, but it is always in my mind.. I hope a miracle happens ane we can keep the house forever.. It's not the house that make a home, but the people in it..
Kathleen, sounds like you've landed in the perfect place. :-) I hope you can find a way to stay, also.
Hi LK, glad you found a place that worked for you.
Home is the place we feel most comfortable and most ourselves. You're lucky to have found a home that suits you so well.
Good luck with your blog tour and your new book.
Linda and Jana, thank you. Not to say there aren't issues ... such as, we're currently trying to loosen the hot water hose under the sink to replace so I can have hot dishwater again. That's a chore! But when you're in the right place, those things are challenges instead of hair-tearing-out episondes. ;-)
I appreciate the wishes!
Hi Loraine,
I'm so looking forward to receiving my signed copy of your book; I hope it comes soon so I can read it over the holidays. I won't be home at Christmas, for the first time ever we'll be going to the sunshine (Dubai!) and I'm looking forward to it, although also wondering what it will be like to not spend the holidays at home. Christmas has always meant being home, surrounded by all my family...usually a total madhouse, but I love that! I've moved quite a few times in my life, have felt good in most places, although I have memories of feeling utterly lost in a small apartment in San Francisco. Talk about bad vibes! Luckily that didn't last long. I love my current house, we've been here 6 years now and I feel we've made it ours (we bought it and did a lot of work). I love having my garden, and my deck, and my office space. I enjoyed your blog, sweetie! And thanks for posting on my website about my addiction to The Bold and the Beautiful!!!
Cesca, I think doing work on your own house does make a difference, also. We do that, too. Until now they've been temporary so it was limited, but now we're enjoying plans as to what we can do to help make it more "ours" in fit. Such as, ugly carpet is going and new pretty carpet/hardwood is coming. ;-) The gray-painted deck will be stripped and stained. So many ideas ... over time.
At one place we put up a 6 foot privacy fence by ourselves, just hubby and I.
I agree about being home for the holidays. So far, we've been either at our home or at family's, but I can see the charm in going away for it, also. Have a great time in the sunshine!
Oh, and my book order is on the way. I'll send it out to you as soon as I get them. :-) I look forward to knowing what you think.
Loraine, I love the emotion in your excerpt. Home is where we are happy. I moved too many times in my life, loved some places, hated others. Home for me will always remain the big house where I raised my kids.
Mona, thank you. On that same token, the house where I was raised will always be home to me, as well. :-)
WINNER: Celia Yeary
(this is for the short story, to win the book, comment on at least 8 blogs along the tour!)
I used WDC's virtual dice and counted 8 comments other than myself and my blog host, plus previous winners and came up with number 1.
Congrats, Celia! The story will be mailed out after the book's release date. Please contact promotions@classicromancerevival.com with your mailing address.
Link to the contest rolls:
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