On May 18, Harlequin Community will post my Chapter 3 of Pass the Plot 2.
In Pass the Plot 2, selected volunteers each contribute a chapter to a story, like I do on the Romantic Synonymous blog. One chapter will be posted each week until the story is finished.
Here's the link to thread in the forum
Scroll down, as my chapter, the current latest one, will be at the end. Your timing may vary, so if it's not up right now, please try later.
How did they pick me? I volunteered and the random access selector found me. Sometimes I do luck out.
Harlequin author Joanne Rock started and will finish this eight-part story, an as-yet-untitled medieval. Since about all I know about medievals is what I've read in the Brother Cadfael mysteries and Lindsay Townsend's A Knight's Vow and A Knight's Captive (Shameless Promotion--Lindsay has two more Knight novels coming from Kensington), those of you who write medievals can tell me where I'm all wet.
You have to register at Harlequin Community if you want to comment on the thread. Here's the registration link.
Hope to see you there.
Thank you, all
Linda Banche
Regency romance--most with humor, some with fantasy, and occasionally a paranormal.

Lady of the Stars--A legend spanning time, and the man and woman caught in it--Regency time travel, available from The Wild Rose Press
Pumpkinnapper--Pumpkin thieves, a youthful love rekindled, and a jealous goose. Oh my--coming September 30, 2009 from The Wild Rose Press
I'll say you lucked out, Linda! Nice feather for you--HQN no less!
I love medieval, and I'm going to check out your chapter now.
Hi Kaye,
Since you write medieval, I'll be happy to hear your comments.
Hi Linda,
Just read your chapter - I like it very much. The new insight into the hero's POV and the backstory between him and the heroine are lovely. I like the added mystery you've added, plus the deadline - he has to do something soon. All very exciting and intriguing!
I admired the way you adapted your style to those of the other writers.
Best of luck! What a super way to be noticed by Harlequin!!
(Thanks, too, for your very kind comments re my stuff.)
Best wishes, Lindsay
Thanks, Lindsay.
As I reread this post, I see that I left out the link for the comment thread. I'm afraid to edit the post because I mess up your colors, so I'll post the comment thread link here:
Thanks, Linda!
I've gone back in and left a comment. Cheers, Lindsay
Thanks, Lindsay.
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