So to start off this month of blogs, chats, demons and sex, I asked all my authors what they like to do with their pumpkin seeds-keeping it PG of course. So here are our answers.
Courtney Breazile: I like them roasted with cinnamon and nutmeg-yummy
C.R. Moss: We normally just roast the seeds and sprinkle salt on them.
Jambrea Jones: Hmmm...I'm not much for the seeds or the pumpkin.
Laura Tolomei: Toasted pumpkin seeds, salted on the outside, they’re great as a snack. Called “bruscolini” in Italian, they can even substitute popcorn when watching a movie.
Angela Caperton: I love pumpkin seeds, but I'm not very creative with recipes using them. I just like eating them right out of the shell. I do make a pumpkin spice pudding that is pretty awesome! And I like pumpkin pie. Yum!

Watch our websites for information on all our blogs, with fun Halloween questions and answers, as well as our chats, with awesome prizes. I hope you will all join us for our chats this month.
Check out our trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0l13ROXuzw
All our books will be available to purchase at www.extasybooks.com
Courtney Breazile- http://www.courtneybreazile.com
Reincarnated Death Wish Oct 15th
“To Experience Passion is to Choose Death”
Jambrea Jones- http://www.jambrea.com
Unseen Path Oct 31st
“The Road Not Traveled Reveals a Destiny Unfulfilled”
Angela Caperton - http://www.angelacaperton.com
Green Flash Oct 31st
“During the Halloween Bacchanal Fantasy Fest Will Claire Embrace her Own Desires and Learn the True Nature of the Green Flash?”
C.R. Moss - http://home.earthlink.net/%7Ecr_moss//
In the Spirit Oct 15th
“Can Love Heal Death’s Soul?”
Laura Tolomei - http://www.lallagatta.com/eng/index.html
Brilliant, Courtney, CR Moss, Jambrea, Laura, Angela!!
As a Brit pumpkins didn't really figure in my halloween when I was a kid, but all these great customs and recipies are fab to know!!
Best of luck with your Xrated Halloween!!
Thanks, and I hope you try one sometime, hot out of the oven they are delicious!
Pumpkin seeds are dang tasty and very good for you.
However, pumpkin pie is my absolute fave!
An X-rated Halloween...good idea.
Thanks Savanna- yeah i loooooove Pumpkin pie, especially for breakfast, yummmmmm!
Sounds like a toasty pumpkin seed bake at Extasy Books this month. Yummy Halloween romance.
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