As for us, at seven o’clock in the morning on December 20th, 2009, we were zipping up our suitcases, getting ready to fly to Dubai.
Apparently, it was the dawn of the coldest day on Swiss meteorological record. In La Brévine, a village up in the Jura mountains nicknamed the Siberia of Switzerland because of its extreme temperatures, the mercury dropped to minus 34° degrees Celsius. Of course, if you’re reading this in deepest Alaska, minus 34° degrees Celsius probably sounds like pool party weather, but for us Swissies it’s definitely a take-refuge-under-the-duvet-and-watch-TV sort of day. Not that it was that cold in the genteel lakeside village where we live; when the Prescott family tripped down the garden path in single file and bundled into the car it was probably a balmy minus 12°, which still feels a bit nippy when you’re not wearing a winter jacket. Since it wasn’t snowing in Geneva, we figured the airport would be buzzing with holiday-bound activity. We were far too excited to be going on our first ever beach holiday at Christmas to think about delays or cancellations due to bad weather elsewhere.
However, when we walked into the surprisingly quiet departure hall, one glance at the flight schedule board prompted a mutual moan of dismay: our KLM flight to Amsterdam was already delayed by one hour, and the frenzy of cancellations and mounting delays zipping all over the board didn’t bode well. Worse, there were rumors of a large snow-cloud blowing in from the north-east, set to dump vast quantities of plane-paralyzing white stuff on Geneva airport’s runways within the next couple of hours. We might not be going anywhere.

Passing through immigration was an experience in itself. If you’ve ever fantasized about gorgeous young sheikhs, you’ll get a pleasant eyeful while showing your passport there! Maybe I was so tired I was hallucinating, but that night the Dubai immigration officers were all movie-star gorgeous, immaculately decked out in traditional long white attire, their black hair, dark eyes and chiseled features off-set by white headdresses secured by black cord. As for their female colleagues, they were beautiful, too! The young lady at the desk closest to us looked fabulous in her black silk outfit, her huge eyes and full mouth impeccably made-up, her gorgeous face framed by a matching veil edged with sparkly silver thread. Seriously, nobody should look that good at four-thirty in the morning. Well, certainly not immigration officers!
Haggard, sweaty, our clothes terminally creased, we dragged our luggage through the terminal where we were immediately ushered into the biggest car in the world and chauffeured through Dubai’s scintillating, techno-cool, sky-scraping scenery, catching our first glimpse of the brand new “Burj Khalifa”, the tallest building in the world, culminating at a 828 metres (apparently it’s nice and cool up there in the summer!). Twenty minutes later, we pulled up in front of the Royal Mirage Arabian Court, a beautiful seafront hotel built on reclaimed land on the eastern side of the famous “Palm”, the first of Dubai’s man-made islands. By the time we’d checked in and settled the kids in their room it was five-thirty in the morning. Mr. Prescott and I were more than ready for bed.
We were also more than ready for the bright, warm sunshine pouring into our room when we finally opened our eyes the following afternoon. We got up and managed to drag our comatose teenagers out of bed, then went to have something to eat at “Eau Zone”, the hotel’s trendy beach and pool restaurant. Later, we wandered down the long stretch of white sandy beach, our linen trousers rolled up, our flip flops dangling from our fingers in true Condé Nast Traveler style. We paddled and pottered and took deep breaths of sea air, admiring the incredible lineup of skyscrapers close-by. Still tired from our long trip, we plonked ourselves on sunbeds and snoozed for a while, and when the sun dipped a little too low for comfort we just wandered back to our room, flopped onto the bed and discussed what we’d like to do during the week.
Of course, relaxation (and getting a bit of a tan) was a top priority for all of us, and we spent plenty of time lounging by the pool, or on the beach. To Mr. Prescott’s surprise, my daughter and I even swam in the sea, quite an achievement considering neither Olivia nor I are famous for acts of bikini bravery in chilly waters. But we’d never spent Christmas in a warm country before, and there’s just something special about swimming in the sea, so we hauled in our tummies, braced ourselves, grimaced and went for it. Besides, it wasn’t really that cold at 22°, but in all honesty, at 28° the swimming pool was far more inviting!
One of the highlights of our week in Dubai was an expedition into the desert in a 4x4

Christmas morning was spent lounging by the pool. We then enjoyed a nice light lunch at the beach and pool restaurant before heading off to the Dubai Mall, which, with 1500 shops, is supposedly the biggest in the world. Of course, my daughter and I didn’t share the same shopping program as my husband and son, so we immediately split up. While they went in search of sportswear and skateboard equipment, Olivia dragged me off on a quest for Top Shop. We got terribly lost in this overwhelming temple of consumerism, but my shopaholic daughter discovered plenty other shops to pillage on the way. We had a good giggle in Jimmy Choo, entertaining a fantasy of surprising the Prescott boys a couple of hours later decked out in designer bling from head to toe. Sadly, common sense got the better of me and the bling fantasy was soon abandoned. Olivia consoled herself in Top Shop, and I briefly considered doing some credit card damage in Gérard Darel (there was a dusky pink suede fringed handbag that definitely had my name on it), but I took a deep breath and kept walking. My husband was speechless to discover that the only thing I had bought was Jo Malone’s new fragrance, “Vanilla and Anise”. It smells wonderful, but, frustratingly, doesn’t seem to linger.
On Boxing Day, we headed back to Atlantis for adventures in the waterpark. Unfortunately, it was a little cloudy, and a chilly wind made running around in a wet bikini somewhat unpleasant. Nevertheless, Olivia and I enjoyed our leisurely ride down the Lazy River in giant rubber rings, screaming in all the right places as we splashed down the rapids, but no way were we going to follow the boys and launch ourselves off the “Ziggurat”, allegedly the highest and steepest waterslide in the world. After one last super fast rollercoaster ride in a rubber ring through a pitch black tunnel, Olivia and I called it a day and headed back to our hotel for lunch at a sheltered table at the beach restaurant, leaving the Prescott boys to pursue further aquatic adventures on their own.
Just over twenty-four hours later, following a lovely long day at the pool, we boarded our flight back to Amsterdam. To my surprise, I managed to sleep almost all the way, waking up just half an hour before landing. Our connecting flight to Geneva left on time, and by nine o’clock on December 28th we were home again, having had a wonderful holiday, and looking forward to spending the rest of the holidays with friends and family.

Time is precious; use it to make beautiful memories with those you love. We made some great ones in Dubai.
I wish you a Happy New Year!
Lots of love,
My award winning romantic comedy, “Mucho Caliente!,” is available in print from: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com
It is available as an e-book from:
BookStrand, Mobipocket and All Romance Ebooks
It is also available in Kindle from Amazon.com
"MUCHO CALIENTE! - Wish upon a Latino Superstar"
An effervescent romantic comedy
LASR: Best Long Book of the Year 2008 : "Laugh out loud hilarious!"
NOR: Top Pick : "A seriously fun book with more twists and turns than expected"
CRR: “Hard to put down”
Thank you for posting this, Lindsay!
xx Francesca
Hi Francesca! Super article! It sounds to have been as fun as your MUCHO CALIENTE, and the swim with the dolphins sounds amazing!
Thanks for sharing this on the pinkie - a lovely change from all the snow we've all been having!
HI Francesca and Lindsay!
WOnder, fabulous post! I loved the pics- could feel the heat! Perfect for a cold day like today.
Ha! Hot sheiks? I would have been gawking big time. Betcha they plant asthetically pleasing people there on purpose! lol What better advertising for the country= hot people!
Your trip look like an awesome time. How exciting your girl is going away! My dad said he wanted to throw a party when I left for college. Heehee, I was a bit of a wild child. :)
Hi, Francesca. Loved reading about your adventure. What a great way to get away from it all.
Hi Francesca,
What a fantastic trip. I never expected Dubai to be so modern. Thank you for the beautiful picture. Your daughter is gorgeous. Enjoy your pecious time with her.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Dubai story, ladies. With the wind howling outside, and the snow being whipped in all directions, I'm beginning to wish I was still there. What's wrong with the weather???? I was watching the news earlier and it seems like it's freezing almost all over the northern hemisphere. It looks very pretty outside my window, but I'm glad I don't have to drive anywhere tonight. There are snowdrifts all over the place.
Be careful, and stay warm!
Lots of love,
Francesca, your post is the perfect antidote for our frigid temps here. Snow, I don't mind, so much.
It's the deep-freeze cold.
Stay warm, everyone!
Francesca, your post is wonderful, makes me almost willing to spend the hours and hours and hours it would take to get to Dubai. Of all the fabulous photos, I love the one of Santa in the sand best.
Thanks for sharing.
Francesca I can certainley relate to your long delay in the airport. I have gone on a couple of trips where either going or returning trips were delayed many hours. But It think your long delay was well worth it. I cannot imagine being in a mall with 1500 shops..
We are in a deep freeze here in Canada where i live.. I long to be somewhere warm for the winter.
Loved your photos.. Do i hear a book coming about won of those fabulous shieks...
How wonderful, Cesca! Swimming with dolphins had to be a great experience. I love dolphins but have never come very close to one.
Oh, also loved The Time Traveller's Wife.
So glad you had such a great time!
Oh this deeep-freeze cold...ugh! Savanna, like you, I can deal with snow, but not this cut-you-in-half wind we're having.
Keena, I also love that "Santa in the Sand" photo. The Santa belonged to some little kids who were also on holiday in our hotel. They kept beating up that poor Santa, so I doubt he survived the holiday!!!
Kathleen, one of the reasons we chose Dubai was because it wasn't TOO long a trip; we initially wanted to go to the Maldives but just couldn't face the endless flight, not to mention the jet-lag. Dubai only had three hours difference with Switzerland. But if the weather hadn't been so bad we'd have been there much quicker!
Loraine: who is the actor in The Time Traveller's Wife? He's gorgeous!
Great article Francesca! It warmed me up and gave me the travel bug:-)
Ursula, I don't know where you live, but sunshine is such a wonderful treat in the winter. I could do with a new dose right now. The tundra has come to my village!
Eric Bana, and yes, he is gorgeous! His voice is sexy, too. ;-) He would be perfect for my newest WIP, if I could get it made for screen, lol.
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