While many believe that a single resolution can have a positive impact on their lives, I, generally, don’t make resolutions. I’m simply not good that good at them. I think I aim too high. I have good intentions, but carrying them out can be a challenge. I would love to lose a couple of extra pounds, but trying to do Weight Watchers with a 3 year old in the house is not productive. Now, if I had a nanny and a cook…
Do you make resolutions? Writing resolutions? Do they work for you?
Our tradition of making New Years resolutions come from the ancient Babylonians and Romans. For the ancient Babylonians their New Years began in March during spring when the new crops were planted. Makes sense – new crops; the world is waking up from winter. Some of their resolutions involved returning their borrowed farm equipment.
New Years resolutions became more widely known with the ancient Romans. Janus was a Roman god with two faces. With one face, he could look back on the past events of the year, and with the other, he could look forward toward the future, thus he became a Roman symbol for resolutions. The Romans named their first month of the year January, after Janus, who was also known as their god of beginnings. The Romans’ resolutions had two aspects. They would ask for their enemies’ forgiveness while exchanging gifts with their friends for the New Year.
As Christianity evolved they came to believe the first day of the New Year should be used to reflect on past mistakes and resolve to improve themselves in the New Year. In today’s times, some of the more popular resolutions include quitting smoking, tobacco, stop drinking excessively, and losing weight.
Me? I resolve to examine my writing goals for 2009 and reflect on what was successful and what wasn’t and build on those goals for 2010. My other goal is to try to lose weight. (It’s a goal, not a resolution which helps me mentally) I want to stick to the principals of good eating and try to get in some more exercise.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on New Years resolutions and what you hope to accomplish in 2010 both in your writing and your personal life.
Visit me at:
Classic Romance Revival
Adventures in Moldavia
The Desert Breeze Blog
Lindsay’s Romantics
and drop me a line on all four blogs by 3 JAN at midnight PST and be entered to win a GC for Desert Breeze Publishing. I’ll announce the winner on 4 Jan.
Fascinating blog, Steph! The ancient history is especially interesting to me.
Good luck with your resolutions!
My resolution is to try to be kind to everyone.
Happy New Year to you and to everyone.
Happy New Decade!!
I'm going to do volunteer work this year. It's time to devote some attention to others besides myself. I want to set up some reading days at some nursing homess.
Thanks and Happy New Year,
Tracey D
Good luck on your resolutions. I don't make resolutions, but this year I have to prioritize more. Too many time suckers out there and I'm the one who's suffering.
Happy New Year.
I'm just going to say hi here to let you know I stopped by all four blogs :) If it took me that long to read them all, I can only imagine how long it took you to write them! Off to figure out my goals, now....
Enjoyed your blog, Steph. I mentioned Y2K to my husband this morning and we laughed at all the hoopla over it, now it is 10 years later. Hard to believe how fast the years have flown by. I am working on my goals for 2010.
Hey Steph,
I'd forgotten all about Y2K or The End of the World As We Know It. Cyberthreats are still very real in my internet world, and I hate that I now have to wonder if fellow travelers have bombs in their underpants.
I'm a big one for setting goals and mostly accomplishing them. What I'm less good at is sitting back and letting things take their course. I'm always wanting to hurry stuff along.
Enjoyed your post.
Hi Steph, great look at the history of making resolutions.
I haven't made them for a long time, ever since I saw everyone around me beating themselves up over them, especially the whole weight loss thing. Like winter is the time for that.
I simply try to do the best I can everyday.
A note about Y2K... actually, the reason that didn't occur is because billions were spent behind the scene to correct the problem.
And, they brought back all their older employees, who worked like mad.
Now, people just look at it as some kind 'hoopla'... interesting how history evolves.
STEPH--my resolution is to not take myself too seriously. Does that make sense? I'm trying to tell myself to let things roll off my back and move along on my own course. Beautiful post and photo--Celia
I agree - the ancient history is interesting to me. I had fun researching these topics. I also resolve to be kind to everyone.
Tracey, volunteering is always a good thing. I help out with my church when I can. Linda, I need to prioritize better myself. That's something I need to work on.
Liana, I hope you enjoyed them. It's good see you here.
Zequeatta & Maggie wasn't that Y2K stuff some madness? I believe there was a terrorist threat in 2000 at the USA/Canadian border they caught that year, too.
Savannah, it is interesting how history is painted. I have no doubt people worked hard behind the scenes for that not to happen.
Celia, I know exaculty what you mean. Sometimes I take myself too seriously, too.
Good luck to everyone and their goals and Have a Happy New Year. Hope to see you on my other blogs!
I agree - the ancient history is interesting to me. I had fun researching these topics. I also resolve to be kind to everyone.
Tracey, volunteering is always a good thing. I help out with my church when I can. Linda, I need to prioritize better myself. That's something I need to work on.
Liana, I hope you enjoyed them. It's good see you here.
Zequeatta & Maggie wasn't that Y2K stuff some madness? I believe there was a terrorist threat in 2000 at the USA/Canadian border they caught that year, too.
Savannah, it is interesting how history is painted. I have no doubt people worked hard behind the scenes for that not to happen.
Celia, I know exaculty what you mean. Sometimes I take myself too seriously, too.
Good luck to everyone and their goals and Have a Happy New Year. Hope to see you on my other blogs!
Hi Steph
I always made resolutions on New Year day and checked them at the end of the year. For a change I realized all my goals last year and for a change I can't get myself to make a single resolution this year.
Hi Steph-
I make Goals instead of resolutions. Then at the end of each year I look at what I DID accomplish and don't worry about the rest.
This year I am going to set goals to become a healthier food purchaser and grower by shopping at farmers markets and butcher shops. I won't use chemicals on my little garden.
This year I am working toward avoiding Fast Food. I plan to help make the world a better place by making my purchases my VOTES to change the way the industry is treating us and our resources.
I'm a big fan of making resolutions, small or big, throughout the year, not just on January 1st.
So much so that I co-founded http://www.pledgehammer.com . It provides an easy way to write resolutions down with a deadline and share them. It also has a charitable 'flipside' to it - if you can't stick to your resolution Pledgehammer asks you to donate money to charity. So whether you stick to your resolution or not, either way the world will be a little bit better.
Would love to hear if this helps people keep their resolutions.
My resolutions are simple:
Write, Write, and Write
Published, Published, and Published
Walk in harmony,
Danielle, I'm with you on those goals and have been doing that myself.
I do set goals for the New Year, which I haven't done yet. My resolution should be to stop procrastinating. ;-)
It was great to see everyone here! I'll be announcing my winner shortly.
Congrats to Liana Laverentz, winner of the GC to Desert Breeze Publishing.
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