Just popping in with a bit of ebook news. It seems there's a price war going on with the UK Kindle. This is good news for all UK readers, who can now download ebook versions of novels from Amazon UK at very reasonable prices. My Bookstrand ancient world romances, for instance -
Flavia's Secret,
Bronze Lightning,
Blue Gold - are all kindled at £3.62. My knight books are even cheaper -
A Knight's Vow is kindled at £2.32,
A Knight's Enchantment at £2.83 and the bargain of them all,
A Knight's Captive, at £1.46.
Which means you can buy two of my knight books for under a fiver!
Happy reading!
Hey, fellow Lindsay's Romantics - have you checked what YOUR kindle ebooks are being traded at in the UK? Let us know!
A Psychic Hitch and Last Glass of Wine are going for 2.41 and Jewel of the Sun's Blood Destiny is 3.54.
It's great they finally got the ebooks over there.
Wow, it looks like Kindle is aggressively moving to a secure their market. Pros and Cons to that. What I proclaim... yeah, like I'm the 'great proclaimer'... still, I say it turns out mighty good for all of us authors.
I'd check mine, but dial-up is just too slow.
Those are wonderful prices, Bekki!
Savanna, I looked for you. Here's your UK kindle prices - great value again!
Black Cat Beauty - £3.46
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes - £3.78
Stallion of Ash and Flame - £3.32
Tangerine Carnal Dreams - £2.32
Murder by Hair Spray - £3.62
When A Good Angel Falls - £3.32
Lindsay, thanks so much. I'm going to put those on my bloggie.
The more venues, the better. Good for you.
Wah no one has noticed the hedgehog joke - if you click on the pick, you'll see what I mean.
Lindsay, that is funny. I just thought it was a cute hedgehog. I could share my login system... all written down because *dang it* who can remember them all. Yeah, paper comes to the rescue again. You certainly don't want that info on your hard drive.
Thanks, Savanna! Cheers, lindsay
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