I promise to fill you in sometime soon of everything on offer with CRR, but right now I'm delighted to be able to say that the review section is now well on its way, with a group of professional and enthusiastic reviewers wholly committed to providing reviews that are objective, genre-specific and of a very high standard. I'm also pleased to say that, as guinea pig, I came out more than okay with a 5 Wings review for The Look! I couldn't help but share it.

Publisher : Bookstrand
Genre : Mainstream Contemporary
Publication Date : 24 March 2009
ISBN : 1-60601-275-4
Pages : 291
Series : N/A
Category : Sweet
Type : E-book
Reviewer : Lindsay Townsend

Rating : 5 Wings
Twenty-seven-year-old Morgan Slater comes to the rural KwaZulu-Natal midlands in search of the truth and a family she has never known and finds herself drawn to a strange house. This is an immediate, engaging opening to The Look, especially when Morgan encounters the brutally handsome, suspicious Blake Thornton. Their explosive meeting resonates with both, as each sense they can really 'see' each other and 'look' into each other's hearts and minds. The conflict between Morgan and Blake is nicely played, giving the writer lots of opportunities to develop the theme of looking - and watching.
The pace of the novel is nicely judged, as the mystery of why Morgan has come to this quiet backwater is gradually revealed. It allows the reader to savour the country community that Judah Raine vividly draws and enjoy the developing relationship between the sparring Morgan and Blake.
The emotions in the novel are subtle and powerful, shown rather than told so the reader can feel with the heroine. Morgan is a perky, sympathetic character and Blake a good foil to her. Morgan's a lovely tease and Blake certainly needs taking down a bit so I enjoyed their back-and-forths. Beneath their banter is a far more serious issue, the reason why Morgan has come to Thornleigh, and that is handled with great delicacy.
The cat is adorable - if you read the book you'll see why and how - and the whole easy-going way of country life in South Africa is very appealing. Clearly Judah Raine knows the country and knows what she is talking about: the rhythms of life and people and their speech are perfectly caught. Fishing can be romantic, too - if you read The Look, you'll understand!
The Look by Judah Raine is a sweet romance with lots of romantic tension and a glorious Happily Ever After. This reviewer read it on a rainy afternoon in one sitting and was transported to South Africa and the strong, protective arms of Blake Thornton.
You can read the review here:http://www.classicromancerevival.com/blog/?p=243
Take care, and chat to you soon.
Hi Jude! Thanks for posting. It was a real pleasure for me to read 'THE LOOK'!
I'm hoping other people will also be tempted to post their reviews here, too, to share.
(Just remember to check the calendar.)
Thanks again. Lindsay
Judah, congrats on your 5 Wing review... so well-deserved!!!
Judah--very good for you! So complimentary, and the book cover is fantastic. One day, I'll check out Bookstrand a little more closely. Well done. Now, I'll go to CRR and read the review. Celia
A great review! Congratulations.
Jude, a very nice review, indeed!
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