As a writer I have always enjoyed creating characters that were products of personal history, such as Paige in Bartlett’s Rule whose life of abuse led her to make poor decisions and suffer more pain. Or like Julie in Final Sin who had a loving but sheltered and nearly suffocating childhood and chose to rebel and live a little on “the wild side”. In Courage of the Heart, Davie seemed to have an eternal optimism and easy rapport with everyone she met because of the huge and very strong family she grew up with.
The greatest gratification I got was exploring the dynamics of the Hughes’ family and everyone involved with them in both Forgotten and Within the Law. Although Forgotten began as one stand-alone book with no intentions of continuing the characters, I fell in love with my characters – especially Tom Hughes; I had to give Tom his own happily-ever-after in Within the Law. So while the two books are really separate love stories, they are also a continuing saga connected by cousins Caitlyn Smythe and Tom Hughes.
In Forgotten we have a young woman who grew up in a loving environment and even though she lost her parents to a tragic car accident when she was only twelve; she became a member of her aunt, uncle and cousin’s home. We also have Brandon who grew up with his material needs well met and was starved for the emotional bonds he so wanted. Caitlyn can’t understand Brandon’s lack of desire to reconnect with his father, and Brandon has no concept of family and doesn’t understand Caitlyn’s need for trust and complete acceptance. When Caitlyn’s cousin/brother Tom counsels Brandon, we learn of Tom’s own love tragedy.
In Within the Law, Tom has finally come to grips with the past and sees a chance for a new beginning. Alli is filled with self doubts and doesn’t believe that she is the type of woman that family-minded Tom needs in his life. Brandon and Caitlyn are there for Tom and Brandon shows his true nature, his loyalty and love of family. Malcolm and Keisha, friends from Forgotten, also return as nearly adopted members of the family.
In both books, readers meet the family that created Tom and Caitlyn. Sylvia Hughes is a loving mom who meddles (with love) and is proud of her children. She considers Caitlyn to be her own daughter and comes to adore Brandon as well. Walter Hughes, Tom’s dad, is patient and tolerant of his wife and even a bit bemused by her meddling. He is a staunch supporter of both Tom and Caitlyn and I think he is a perfect example of stability.
The Hughes family represents love in every possible form. They are accepting and understanding, they sometimes fight, but they are always there for each other. The core of this family had a lot to do with the happy endings for their offspring.

Fascinating blog, Chelle. I agree with you utterly about the importance of family and relationships, too.
Your books are lovely.
Not only to characters have the ability to "take over" a novel, they have the ability to say, "hey Chelle, we're coming back for another novel." I like being able to read about characters in different situations, to learn things in one book that weren't the focus in another.
Thank you Lindsay! I thrive on my family (both blood & "adopted")
Malcolm, there are times I have dreamt about a favorite character calling to me & asking, so... where am I now? lol.
Chelle, so glad you emphasized the love of family, or the lack of... always makes for great stories, whether a romance novel or literary fiction.
Hi Savanna,
Our characters, like real-life, should be multi-dimensional. No one deals with one relationship or influence at a time. It is how the characters react, sometimes floundering, that make them interesting.
Thank you for stopping by.
Chelle, I love that you include so much family in your books. Mine are the same -- heavily family-swayed characters with family members activiely involved in the stories. I haven't seen that a lot and will have to check out your work.
Thank you LK for your kind words - likewise I will be checking out your books for their family based stories.
Thank you for coming by.
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