Yes, I read comic books, the old Archie comics especially ~ yep, I’m that old. However, I quickly grew out of that stage. Actually, it was my youngest brother who always had a superhero comic book in one hand, reading and chuckling and making exclaiming noises, when he wasn’t running around the neighborhood like a true heathen. Tod, my brother, always claimed he learned to read because of comic books. He was a math genius actually, but as a young child he wasn’t motivated to learn how to read, until the exciting adventure-landia of those worlds.
Me? I fell in love with Superman the instant I walked into the darkened movie theater and saw Christopher Reeves flying as Superman. That moment, that magic of falling in love, is branded into my memory forever. As a red-blooded woman how could I ignore those piercing gorgeous blue eyes, that muscular yet sleek all-male body. Then there was his dark sexy hair, the very heroic shape of his face. He became Superman for me.
Truthfully, I never thought I’d fall for a comic book hero. Never. Now, I have two ER novels that harken back to that moment of seeing Christopher Reeves as Superman. Destiny is often a strange critter I contend, since Christopher Reeves turned out to be a real life hero.

My hero in BLACK CAT BEAUTY, Devon Zant, is a rising movie star who plays Super Ace, a superhero similar to Superman. His secret, he really does possess the powers of a superman because he’s from another world where such powers are normal. I can tell you this story was a whole lot of fun to write!
My heroes in HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES, coming soon from Siren-BookStrand, have survived the catastrophic weather wars on their world. About ten percent of the remaining population begin to have superpowers in conjunction with the arrival of the Harbinger, a blue star seen through the ash and haze of their devastated planet-world. This particular story was much darker to write because in this world, the characters are struggling to survive and to continue the slow recovery of their bay city, Chrontropolis.
Okay, how about you? Do you have a favorite superhero/superheroine, or favorites? A moment when you fell in love?
Oh, and if you’re in the mood for lots of Tree Trunk Hunks today...
The Earth Day Blog Tour ~ April 22 ~
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Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
~~~ Sable & Devon invite you to read their love story ~ will a black cat girl find happiness with a superhero? ~~~
BLACK CAT BEAUTY ... She has the claws and the cattitude to prove it... He has the super-powered strength and passion she fights, but needs... available from Liquid Silver Books ~ http://www.liquidsilverbooks.com/books/blackcatbeauty.htm ~ http://liquidsilverbooks.com ~
Wonderful blog, Savanna! I can already see 'Her Insatiable Dark Heroes' on my buy list!
Re comic heroes - mine, I guess naturally enough, given my love of history - was the God Thor in that comic series.
Great blog. I, too, liked Superman. But I think my favorite remains Zorro.
Savanna, what a fun entry! Yes, how could you not fall in love with Christopher Reeves as Superman? Or Johnny Depp and Captain Jack Sparrow (not a comic book but close enough). My latest is Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, although it's about the last thing I thought I'd ever be interested in watching!
Black Cat Beauty sounds like a lot of fun. :-)
Nice blog post! I really like super heroes too. I think Spiderman is my latest. But always Superman. Your story sounds great.
Lindsay, I know, Thor! I'd love to finish some of my god hero WIPs.
Oh, I know. Zorro!!! He's still lurking, waiting, reminding me he wants his own blog.
Hi LK... man, have I done some serious drooling over Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow... and just Johnny Depp, himself. Plus, he's actually intelligent. I'm in love with his mind.
Yep, Wolverine is my fave in that group of Superheroes. Who can resist the right man with claws?
Kaye, I've always had a fondness for Spidey and his spidey senses.
Fun post, Savanna. Super heroes? Mine go back to Gene Autry and Lash Larue. Never heard of them? Then you too young. Those old black and white cowboy movies stole my little girl's heart, as you say.My little sister and I went every Saturday to the Rose theater, clutching a dime in one hand for the ticket, and a nickel in the other for a candy bar.In those days, we didn't know when a movie began--you just went and started watching wherever the story was. After intermission, the news Reels, the cartoon, then the movie began again. When we recognized the scene, we said, "this is where we came in." And we'd go call Mother on the ticket booth telephone. Celia Yeary
ALL MY HOPES AND DREAMS-a Texas Historical
Available in eBook: The Wild Rose Press
Available in print: Amazon.com, B&N
Hi Celia, I am too young for Lash Larue, although I've heard of him. However, I'm not too young for Gene Autrey. Saturday mornings, early, as young thing, I would race down to watch him and Champion on our first black and white TV.
No, I never had that kind of wonderful movie experience... thanks for sharing yours.
How very creative! To come up with a superhero who plays a superhero! They are so fun to write about--heroes in any form. Deep down we want everyone to be good--noble--it doesn't matter how young or old.
I was touched by your Superman story. I still remember to this day the first time I recognized/understood/and fell for a hero. I could not have been more than three years old. Robin Hood was playing on the TV. It was black and white, must have been Errol Flynn? Robin Hood was my first "hero" :)
Hi Danielle, yes, I do remember Robin Hood in black and white. I felt a giddy soaring of my child's heart. And I'd love to write my own version of Robin Hood.
You're right we do want honor and nobility.
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